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Writer's pictureJordyn Troop

This one's for the clinical students...

And anyone else who needs a hand keeping their hand in the sono game (metaphorically) in this WFH world!

Shout out to my instafriend @cambriamorin for inspiring this post and in turn keeping my hand in as well. I was getting lazy. (Congrats other soon-to-be grads too!)

Sunday was my birthday, and like so many others, my big plans were cancelled. But I kept my days off for my mental and physical health. I knew I needed a break from the chaos in the hospital, and I wanted to stay away from the spread as much as possible too, to reduce the chance of bringing anything from work to ones I love. Take care of yourselves guys, it's so important in this field.

That being said, I spent 90% of my time indoors with my cat, and saw so many students, sono and otherwise, posting about delayed graduations, missed clinical time, and general worries about not being allowed to work in the field.

I decided to do what I can to help. Here are some ways to consider keeping your scan hand in when you can't actually scan. Even if you're still doing online schoolwork and studying, keeping the interest alive and real world exposure is so important.

1. Look through interesting case studies

<---- Who made that incredibly esoteric gif? is one of my favorite sites for research or curiosity. You can browse through cases of the month or look at specific areas of interest to you. You can also search a certain pathology if there is something you have been wanting to see at clinicals or something you never quite grasped in the didactic portion. is another favorite of mine for looking at interesting pathology and comparing ultrasound results to other modalities for the same pathological finding.

2. Watch YouTube videos of ultrasound talks, etc.

It's always interesting to see what other people have to say about our ultrasound world and hear from the top minds in the field. Although we can't be in their presence today, the internet can help with that. Now of course they won't post entire conferences for free, but you can find some good presentations out there like this one if you do a YouTube search. Some are a bit older, but still outside my knowledge base, so I still enjoy watching them.

3. Learn about new sono tech

I can't tell you how many new things I'm hearing about lung ultrasound and COVID-19 this week. I'm sure you all have seen plenty as well. But beyond that, there are always new things coming out that are fascinating. Diagnostic, therapeutic, or otherwise. Our field is captivating. Maybe you'll even come across a gap in research that could use some discovering? Start yourself a new research career? Okay, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. BUT YOU CAN DO IT.

4. Make new LinkedIn connections

I love LinkedIn!! Seriously, go right now and look through my connections (there aren't a lot) and link up with some interesting people in our field! My very most favorite thing about my career (yes, very most) is that it's worldwide. I have connections all over the world who are sonographers, radiologists, and doctors. They post insanely interesting content, from articles to their own images. Some are reaching out to teach, some are reaching out to learn. It's an incredible community that we share, so please take advantage!

Speaking of which...

5. Post on our forum!

Y'all, I'm gonna be real with you. The forum page needs some love. Let's start some conversations! Questions, comments, frustrations, insights, ANYTHING! Look I'll even make it painfully easy for you. We want to talk to you. That's why we're here talking at you from behind our screens. I know Daryan backs me up on this one ;)

Lastly, tell us how you're keeping your interest up!! I had this post idea as I was falling asleep last night and threw it together this afternoon. We all know I missed some things, let me have them! I want to see all the suggestions!

We're all just trying to keep our cools here, let's chat it out. For instance, just right this second got an email that we'll all be screened coming to work and to leave 30 minutes earlier each day. I get it, but UGH. We're also not allowed to wear masks in the hallways or anywhere unless necessary. Any frustrations you want to air? I'm here for you.

Stay safe sono heroes, but don't panic. Keep your heads up, even though this mess is screwing with your education. They can't take away everything you've learned, and you WILL get there. Thank you for being in this crazy field with us.


P.S. Does anyone know how to tell the internet world/computer world that sonographer is a real word? So tired of seeing that red squiggle.........

P.P.S. Here's a picture of my cat, just because she's cute.

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